Damn Im Good wrote:You spelt childish (chirlish) wrong, jesus im getting like weedo

Weedo is NOT a mong, so if you are getting like him then working has done his brain in.
I meant Churlish, and i hit the I and not the U ok numbnuts.
churl·ish /ˈtʃɜrlɪʃ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[chur-lish] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. like a churl; boorish; rude: churlish behavior.
2. of a churl; peasantlike.
3. niggardly; mean.
4. difficult to work or deal with, as soil.
[Origin: bef. 1000; ME cherlish, OE ceorlisc. See churl, -ish1]
—Related forms
churl·ish·ly, adverb
churl·ish·ness, noun
—Synonyms 1. coarse, uncouth, vulgar, loutish; ill-natured, uncivil.
Putting up a tent is like making love to a beautiful women. First you've got to lay her out, put up your pole and slip into the old bag.